According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondary schoo

游客2024-06-14  4

问题 According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondary schools is that ______. [br] What is the main idea of this passage?

选项 A、The difference between the primary school and the secondary school.
B、The method that pupils get help from the teachers.
C、The personal development of the pupils in the secondary school.
D、The function of the secondary school.

答案 C

解析 本题是道归纳中心思想的题目。虽然文章中提到了中学和小学的不同之处,但是这毕竟只是局部问题,不是文章所谈论的中心,因此最具干扰性的A项不是本题的答案。B和D所述明显与文章不符,所以都要舍去。只有C项“中学学生个人发展问题”与文章大意相符,是本题的最佳选项。