What will happen in the middle of the 21st century, if we consume resources much

游客2024-06-14  3

问题 What will happen in the middle of the 21st century, if we consume resources much faster than their replacement? [br] LAEV’s location near downtown offers it both convenient transportation and ______.


答案 a local source of food

解析 由题干中downtown和convenient transportation可定位到第二个小标题下第五段末句The urban location near public transit,schools,churches,commercial services and industry helps residents drive less,while the dozens of gardens and fruit trees provide a local source of food.此处要求填入名词性成分,与前面convenient transportation并列,构成both...and...的结构。根据原句可知,此处闹市使该社区不仅可利用公共交通枢纽,各机构的设置还使居民减少驾车量;而且,一片片的花园与果树还为社区居民提供了当地的食物来源。题干中convenient transportantion与原文public transit及helps residents drive less相对应,由此可知后面说到的a local source of food即是本题答案。