In 1948, people living in remote areas could see TV programs by ______ in the Un

游客2024-06-13  3

问题 In 1948, people living in remote areas could see TV programs by ______ in the United States. [br] How did cable providers solve the problem of the earliest cable systems?

选项 A、They strategically placed antennas with very long cables connecting to subscribers’ television sets.
B、They made the signal from the antenna travel through the length of cable.
C、They inserted amplifiers at regular intervals.
D、They increased the length of cable.

答案 C

解析 本题涉及到最早的电缆系统的缺陷。该段提到,最早的电缆系统实际上用很长的电缆将电线杆连接到一起,再接到电视用户家里。因为电视信号随着电缆的长度而变弱,为了解决这个问题,电缆供应商就得每隔一段距离增加扩大罪来加强电视信号的强度(insert amplifiers at regular intervals),使电视图像能够清晰,故答案为[C]。