What’s the opinion of economists about going to college? [br] In this consumeris

游客2024-06-13  5

问题 What’s the opinion of economists about going to college? [br] In this consumerist age, most parents______.

选项 A、regard college education as a wise investment
B、place a premium on the prestige of the college
C、think it crucial to send their children to college
D、consider college education a consumer product

答案 D

解析 细节题。本题询问在如今这个崇尚消费的时代,大多数家长对于念大学所持的态度。根据原文(60)处可知,他们并不把念大学当成一种投资,而是把它当成一种消费品来看待,就像购车、买衣服和选房子一样。故选D。