[audioFiles]audio_eusm_j01_344(20099)[/audioFiles]A、He will take part in the pa

游客2024-06-12  4


选项 A、He will take part in the party.
B、He will continue to study in the bedroom.
C、He will continue to study in the dinning room.
D、He will go to have dinner in stead of studying.

答案 C

解析 W: Hey, George, I can’t get to sleep with the lights so near my bed. Can you study someplace else?
M: Sorry, there is a party going on down in the lounge(休息室). I suppose I can check the dining room though.
Q: What will George probably do?
选项中多次出现study一词,由此推测对话可能与学习有关,同时出现了几个地点lounge, dinning room,可能提问学习地点的问题。