To define science we may simply call it ______. [br] A scientist interested in a

游客2024-06-12  3

问题 To define science we may simply call it ______. [br] A scientist interested in adding to our general knowledge about oxygen would probably call his approach ______.

选项 A、pure science
B、environmental science
C、applied science
D、agricultural science

答案 A

解析 由题干的interested和adding to our general knowledge about oxygen定位到原文第三段最后一句Toward that end specialists in the field of biology and related fields of interest are directing much of their time and energy。推断题。研究氧气的科学家在从事理论研究,所以应选择A)。[避错]C)“应用科学”与题干不符;B)“环境科学”和D)“农业科学”相距甚远,因此也都不对。