According to the article, the video game player can ______. [br] We can safely i

游客2024-06-12  3

问题 According to the article, the video game player can ______. [br] We can safely infer from the article that the video games allow people to choose a character with ______.

选项 A、the ability to handle new situations
B、skills in getting along with others
C、physical power and forbearance
D、hand-eye coordination

答案 C

解析 由题干的what the video games can supply people to choose定位到原文末段第一句One might choose, for instance, a character who is extremely dexterous and swift, but these positive traits must be traded off against others, such as strength and endurance。推断题。由文章最后一段中such as strength and endurance可知,体力和耐力是在一种游戏中供选择的特点,故选C)。文章第四段第二句中的abilities in confronting with new situations与A)同义;其中的 communicate with their targeted rivals与B)同义;第二段中提到有些电子游戏需要人们较好的手、眼配合能力,均不符合题干要求。