Which one will help people to recognize their own key requirements during huntin

游客2024-06-12  2

问题 Which one will help people to recognize their own key requirements during hunting a job? [br] When the interviewer asks the questions about the previous boss, he wants to find out whether the interviewees would ______ .


答案 fit into a team

解析 由题干中的previous boss定位到第九个小标题下第二个问题的第一句This is less about whether you actually liked him or her but more about finding out whether you would fit into a team, ...细节辨认题。此处问当面试官问及关于之前老板的问题时,他是想知道面试者是否具备什么样的能力。文章指出,面试官之所以这样问并不是想知道你对前任老板的态度,而是更想知道你是否能融入团体。故正确答案为fit into a team。