Are Americans beautiful people with perfect teeth and bodiessculpted by pla

游客2024-06-16  5

问题     Are Americans beautiful people with perfect teeth and bodies
sculpted by plastic surgeons and are they overweight couch potatoes           S1.______
who smoke too much and rarely exercise?
    Both images are probably true. America is a youthful-oriented             S2.______
culture, so a youth appearance is highly valued. A large health and
fitness industry has been created as Americans try to stay physically
fit and build perfect bodies. However, many Americans, thinking they
can get off with anything, eat what they want, when they want, and            S3.______
end with health problems that require about treatment.                        S4.______
    If the millions of Americans would engage in an active lifestyle,
experts say, they could make substantial improvements in their health.
    But after you embark on a fitness program, heed to the following          S5.______
    Consult your physician for a check-up to make sure you don’t
have any health conditions, such as high blood pressure, that could           S6.______
make exercising dangerous. Your doctor may recommend a beginning
exercise plan based on your age and health status.
    Begin with a comfortable level of activity—even it’s just 5              S7.______
minutes per session—and gradually build up your durance. You should          S8.______
never be in pain or unable to speak comfortably during physical
activity. Walking, biking, swimming and other low-impact exercises are
often recommended for beginners and older people.
    Enjoy exercise boosts the odds that you’ll stick with it. It’s a          S9.______
good idea for beginners to consult an experienced personal trainer
who can demonstrate proper techniques for weight-training machines
and suggests a safe workout plan.                                             S10.______


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