[originaltext]W: You spend all of your time reading books. How do you expect to

游客2024-06-11  6

W: You spend all of your time reading books. How do you expect to be well - informed if you never read a newspaper?
M: It’s my opinion that reading the newspaper is a waste of time. A famous man once said that newspaper separate what is important from what is not important and then print that which is not important.
Q: Why should the man read newspapers according to the woman ?
M: I was surprised to see Mary using that record player you were going to throw away.
W: Yes. It is very old. That she got it to work amazes me.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、No one knows how Mary gets to work.
B、She doesn’t think the record player works.
C、She throws the old record away.
D、It’s surprising that Mary could repair the record player.

答案 D

解析 女士提到“她能让那台录音机工作,这令我感到很意外。”此句就暗示了答案为D。