[originaltext]W: Professor Thomson helped me so much that I’m thinking of buyin

游客2024-06-11  11

W: Professor Thomson helped me so much that I’m thinking of buying him a book of poetry.
M: I think you should get him a music CD. Just because he’s an English teacher doesn’t mean that all he does is read.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、Not everyone from England likes to read all the time.
B、People who teach English like things besides book.
C、The English like to read a lot and listen to music.
D、English teachers usually like to read a lot.

答案 B

解析 选项中 “England, teach English. the English, English teacher”,同时,还出现了“read, book”同语场的词,是本题的关键词。可以判断问题是关于英国人与读书的内容。问题的答案在男士的话中,即“Just because he’s an English teacher doesn’t mean that all he does is to read."其言外之意,就是选项B  People who teach English like things b