[originaltext]M: Hurry up, Kate. We’ll be late.W: I am hurrying. I can’t move

游客2024-06-10  3

M: Hurry up, Kate. We’ll be late.
W: I am hurrying. I can’t move any faster.
M: It’s always the same. We can never get anywhere on time.
W: Right! I’m ready. Really, David, if you gave me some help around the house, we’d never have to hurry like this. I can’t do everything, you know.
M: Well, we’d better be off. We’re late already.
W: Oh, no! It’s absolutely pouring. We can’t go out in that. We’ll be soaked.
M: Nonsense! Come on. It’s only a shower. It won’t last long.
W: A shower? That! It’s set in for the night. I’m not going out in that.
M: Well, you’ve got your umbrella, haven’t you? Use that. And anyway. it’s only five minutes to the Johnsons’ house.
W: It might just as well be five miles in that rain. And I haven’t got my umbrella. I left it in the office.
M: That wasn’t very clever of you, was it?
W: Well, we could use your umbrella, I suppose.
M: We can’t. I left it on the train six weeks ago.
W: Oh, David, Really, you are impossible.
M: Well, we can’t stand here all night. We’re late enough as it is. Let’s go.
W: I’m not going out in that. And that’s final.
M: I’d better ring for a taxi then.
W: Yes. You’d better, hadn’t you?

选项 A、Because she hasn’t got ready yet.
B、Because she is waiting for David.
C、Because she is waiting for a taxi to pick her up.
D、Because it is raining very hard and she doesn’t have an umbrella.

答案 D

解析 语意理解题。这道题问Kate为什么拒绝出门。对话里Kate准备好以后,本打算出门,却发现外面下起大雨;It’s absolutely pouring. 于是她说无法出去了,因为他们会湿透的:We’ll be soaked.所以答案为D。