[originaltext]M: Excuse me. I’m having trouble hearing in the back of the room.

游客2024-06-10  1

M: Excuse me. I’m having trouble hearing in the back of the room. Did you say that your teaching assistant would correct the final exams?
W: No, I said that he would collect them. I’ll rate them myself. Any other thing I can be of help?
Q: What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、Secretary and manager.
B、Student and professor.
C、Professor and assistant.
D、Customer and waitress.

答案 B

解析 该题问“两位说话者是什么关系”。男士说:“对不起,我在教室后面听不清楚。你是说你的助教要批改期末试卷吗?”女士说:“不是,我说助教要收上来试卷,我要自己批改。”故[B]“学生和教授”为正确答案。