[originaltext]F: If anybody wants tickets for Friday’s game, let me know. My ro

游客2024-06-10  3

F: If anybody wants tickets for Friday’s game, let me know. My roommate has two she can’t use.
M: What is she asking?
Q: What does the man want to know?

选项 A、What the roommate’s name is.
B、What the roommate wants in exchange for the tickets.
C、How many tickets the roommate has.
D、What the roommate said before.

答案 B

解析 在这个对话的情景中,女声说:“谁要是想看周五的比赛就告诉我,我的室友有两张用不上的票”,男声于是回答:“她想要什么(作为交换)?”也就是问室友准备卖多少钱,或者是不是要请室友吃顿饭之类的。要理解这里的ask 不是“提问”,而是“要求”。