[originaltext]W:Darling,I feel hungry now. How about you?M:So do I. Let me cal

游客2024-06-09  3

W:Darling,I feel hungry now. How about you?
M:So do I. Let me call room service.  Hello,room service? Please send a menu to Room 324 right a- way.
Q:Where are the two speakers now?
W:I was in the gas station at 1:00.How did I miss you?
M:I got there at quarter past 12:00 and waited a while.But I guess I left before you got there.
Q:When did the man probably leave the gas station?

选项 A、At 1:00.
B、After 1: 15.
C、After 12: 15.
D、Before 12:00.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士是一点钟到的加油站,而男士是 12点—刻到的加油站,只等了一会儿就走了,所以由此可知他至少是12点一刻后才离开加油站的。