[originaltext]W: Pardon me, Mr. Brown, where are these vitamins located?M: You

游客2024-06-08  2

W: Pardon me, Mr. Brown, where are these vitamins located?
M: You need a prescription for those. If you have one, I can fill it for you right away.
Q: Who is Mr. Brown?
M: I just got a statement from the bank. It says I’ve drawn $300 more than I have in my account.
W: Well, we did spend a lot on our vacation. In fact, we didn’t know exactly how much was in our bank.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?

选项 A、They spent $300 on their vacation.
B、They drew more money than they have from the bank.
C、They lost their bankbook.
D、They had only $300 in the bank.

答案 B

解析 语义推断题 从男士的话可以得知他得到了银行的回单说他已经透支了300美元。