[originaltext]W: It’s said that you pay higher rent for your new apartment.M:

游客2024-06-07  5

W: It’s said that you pay higher rent for your new apartment.
M: I have no complaint about the rent. It’s quite reasonably charged if the utilities are included.
Q: What did the man say about the rent of his apartment?
W: Can you tell me when I can get an appointment for my daughter’s dental check-up?
M: Let’s see, Dr. Wilson is fully hooked for Monday and Tuesday, and for Thursday morning. He’s taking Wednesday off. Can you fit into free time this week or would you rather have an appointment for next week?
Q: What choice can the woman have?

选项 A、Tuesday morning is available.
B、Wednesday morning is available.
C、Thursday morning is available.
D、Friday morning is available.

答案 D
