[originaltext]M: Do Michael and Joe have similar interests?W: Yes and no. They

游客2024-06-07  3

M: Do Michael and Joe have similar interests?
W: Yes and no. They both enjoy cooking. They’ve just started baking cakes. They both like watching baseball, but they don’t enjoy playing it. But Michael likes swimming, and Joe hates it. And Joe enjoys camping, but Michael doesn’t.
Q: Which of the following is true?
W: I was a half-hour late for Professor Harrison’s lecture this morning. Could you lend me your notes, Jim?
M: Sure. But you won’t find anything in my notes. He didn’t say anything important during your absence.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、Jim’s notes are not very good.
B、Professor Harrison doesn’t teach well.
C、Mary should have come to the lecture earlier.
D、Mary doesn’t have to borrow notes from Jim.

答案 D
