Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay ent

游客2024-06-07  3

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Who Has the Most Important Influence on the Young. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.
   1. 有些人认为家人对青少年的影响最大。


答案                            Who Has the Most Important Influence on the Young
    Of the various factors that can have influence on the young, the family and friends stand our most, but there is disagreement on which of the two is the most important of all factors. According to some social psychologists, when children become young adults, they undergo some psychological changes. When they are young, they love their parents so much that they simply adore them, imitating their speech and behavior and trying to learn everything from them eagerly.
    However, when children get older and have more contact with the outside world, those whom they are associated with most are those who are of the same generation. The youngsters drink, smoke, chat and play together, and they share the same or similar views and values. At this stage, they may not be able to find new idols, but they certainly influence each other in many aspects.
    In my opinion, the young do not live in an isolated world. While they live with their parents, they also have many interactions with the outside world. Some of them may still rely on their parents, or bothers and sisters a lot in terms of emotions. And some may turn to their teachers and friends for more help and communications. Therefore, it is hard to tell whose influence is more important. At different stages of life, people may have different emotional needs and the sources of emotional help.
