Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on

游客2024-06-05  4

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Proposal of Banning Disposable Chopsticks. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 发出倡议的根据、原因和目的
2. 要求做到的具体事项
3. 表示倡议者的决心和希望


答案                                  Proposal of Banning Disposable Chopsticks
    Do you use disposable chopsticks frequently when you dine out? Has it ever occurred to you that disposable chopsticks, especially those made of wood, are an astonishing waste of timber resources and that further exploitation of our forest resources will, to some extent, deteriorate our environment? Thus, I call on everyone of us to stop using disposable chopsticks. So, how are we, university students, going to tackle this problem and prevent our scarce forest resources from shrinking?
    As the first step, we should use the traditional reusable chopsticks whenever we go to a restaurant or a take-away and say "No" when the disposable ones are offered. If you are afraid of catching some infectious diseases by using the reusable chopsticks in the restaurants, why not take a pair by yourself? What’s more, we should inform our family members and our friends of the crisis of natural resources that confronts us, cultivate their consciousness of preserving the forest, and help them to get rid of this bad habit.
    Obviously, we cannot be blind to the problem of disposable chopsticks any longer. Otherwise, there will be every chance for the forest and our living environment as a whole to be put in danger.

解析 本文是一篇倡议书。第一段第一句开门见山指出现在存在的不良现象,Has it ever occurred to you that指出这种现象背后所存在的问题,接着Thus,I call on everyone of us to向大家发出倡议,行文流畅,思路清晰。第二段用As the first step... What’s more... 提出具体的措施。最后一段用Obviously再次号召,并用Otherwise表明不这样做将导致的严重后果。