Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay ent

游客2024-06-08  3

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Private Cars in China. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
   1. 简单介绍中国私家车发展的现状
   Useful words and expressions:
   温室气体排放:greenhouse emission
   交通堵塞:congestion/traffic jam


答案                                    Private Cars in China
    With the improvement of people’s living standards, private cars have found their way to ordinary Chinese’s homes.Remarkable national economic growth provides a strong backing for the increasing trend. Nowadays, more and more citizens are planning to buy cars. And for some better-off families, one may not be enough.
    People embrace private cars primarily for its convenience, which can free us from the rigid timetable and fixed route of buses and metros. Efficiency is the second attraction, since driving is usually faster than other means of transportation. This advantage becomes obvious especially in the event of emergencies when it is difficult to take a taxi. Despite these merits, contrasting arguments are equally salient. First, efficiency is usually a mirage. Frequent congestions actually render the cities huge parking lots. Second, private cars are responsible for air pollution, as emissions of carbon dioxide and ethane contribute to global warming.
    Now that there seems no way to stop people from buying cars due to consumers’ freedom of choice, it is almostcertain that the number of private cars in China will continue to rise. If we can improve the road systems, and develop more environment-friendly cars, we may minimize the negative consequences while enjoying the benefits.

解析 写作提示:本题是典型的论辩式议论文,需要考生论述某一事物或现象的好坏。本题的提纲没有明确要求学生阐明自己的立场,但其实这已经包括在提纲的第三部分了。第一段可以阐述中国私家车已经比较普遍,而且数量正在快速增长。第二段可以用subject-to-subject的方法分别说明其利与弊。从题干给出的词汇看出论述时可能要涉及交通、环保等方面。提纲中所述的第三段看似模糊,但稍一琢磨就会发现,其实谈发展方向就是指如何克服现有的困难,如何解决问题。