[originaltext]M: Would you like to go to the beach this afternoon? Bill and Mar

游客2024-06-04  2

M: Would you like to go to the beach this afternoon? Bill and Mary are coming, too.
W: I’m sorry, but 1 was just going out shopping. I need to get the blouse that goes with my pants suit. They had to order it, and it just arrived yesterday.
Q: What is the woman going to buy downtown?
M: The transmission in your car must be replaced. A transmission job is about four hundred dollars, but since the car is still under warranty, you will have to pay only a small service charge.
W: That’s good news. How long do you think it’ll take?
Q: How much will it cost the woman to get her car fixed?

选项 A、Four hundred dollars.
B、A little less than four hundred dollars.
C、No money at all.
D、A great deal less than four hundred dollars.

答案 D

解析 选项和多少钱有关。从four hundred dollars... the car is still under warranty... pay only a small service charge.可以得知女士只要付服务费就可以了,费用远少于400。