Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition

游客2024-06-03  4

问题    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with the title of How I Spend My Summer Vacation, describing how you spend one of your summer vacations in the countryside.  You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in English: Situation: Students have different ways to spend their summer vacations, and you decide to take your summer vacation with your family in the countryside. Your feeling is quite different from that in the city, so you think about it deeply.


答案                                 How I Spend My Summer Vacation
    Our summer vacation begins on July 15th and lasts nearly two months. Considering that my brain needs rest after a period of hard work, I, together with my family, went to our countryside, a very small farmhouse handed down from our forefathers, to spend the summer. Obviously, life in the country is very different from that in the city.
    Early in the morning I took a stroll along the field side. The air was fresh and pure. With a dog following, sometimes I ran a race in the meadows covered with tall grass. Sometimes I climbed up the hill to see the sun slowly yet steadily emerging out of the eastern horizon. The birds also seemed to have awakened from their dreams, twittering restlessly among the bushes. In order to appreciate the quietness of the country, I gave myself entirely to nature, with a light heart and a happy mind.
    Sometimes in the afternoon, I, in company with my cousins, took a rod and went to the river to fish. It made the household happy when they saw me returning with a basketful of big fresh fish. When night came, I would sit at the door and tell the most marvelous and interesting stories to my cousins, who listened to the tale of wonder with open eyes and mouths.
    I wish I could enjoy such calm, pure and beautiful rural life forever.
