[originaltext]M: If the traffic wasn’t held up for so long, I would have been t

游客2024-06-03  4

M: If the traffic wasn’t held up for so long, I would have been to class by ten o’clock.
W: It’s too bad you didn’t make it. The professor was looking for you all morning.
Q: What happened to the man?
W: I’m afraid Dr. Johnson won’t be able to see you then. His appointment book is filled for the next couple of days.
M: Oh, but I don’t have to see him. I’ll just leave my teeth in his office and he can look at them when he bad time. They are false teeth!
Q: What is Dr. Johnson?

选项 A、He’s a professor.
B、He’s a surgeon.
C、He’s a physician.
D、He’s a dentist.

答案 D

解析 女士说“恐怕那时Johnson医生没法见你,他接下来几天的预约都满了。”男士说“哦,但我不是非得见他,我只要把牙留下,等他有空时看一下。是假牙。”该题问“Johnson是干什么的”。从对话中可以看出男士来是想让 Johnson医生看看他的假牙。也就是说,Johnson医生是牙医。故D项“牙医”为正确答案。