Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on

游客2024-06-02  4

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Taking Care of the Old. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 随着生活水平和医疗水平的提高,我们身边的老人日渐增多。
2. 作为大学生,能为他们做些什么
3. 这样做的原因
                                 Taking Care of the Old


答案                                   Taking Care of the Old
    (1) Aging is becoming a global issue. The development of medical technology (2) makes it possible for people to live longer than in the past. And taking care of the old has become a major concern for all (3) that live in an aging society.
    (4) As undergraduates, what should we do for the old? (5) First of all, we can begin from (6) caring for our elder relatives. It’s helpful that we visit our aging grandparents regularly, take them out for a walk and talk about the old days. (5) What’s more, it is a good idea to fill our spare time working as volunteers to (7) look after the elder at nursing homes. (5) Last but not least, we may join the effort with our knowledge in constructing an elderly caring system with the integration of families, communities, welfare institutions and governments.
    (8) There is no doubt that taking care of the old is a demanding and time-consuming task. (9) However, the living condition of senior citizens reflects a nation’s living standard and social morals. More importantly, living with the elder and caring for them is a rewarding experience.

解析 [审题] 本题要求写一篇议论文。先要描述现象(身边的老人越来越多),再阐述具体做法(一般是两至三点),最后简要叙述原因。