[originaltext]W: I think I’ll take my mother to that French restaurant on Main

游客2024-06-02  1

W: I think I’ll take my mother to that French restaurant on Main Street for her birthday.
M: I hope it’s not any time soon. They are usually booked up weeks in advance.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: That last speaker was pretty boring. But he did make a few good points at the end.
W: Really? I didn’t catch them. I must have dozed off for a minute.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She left the lecture for a few minutes.
B、She was reading during the lecture.
C、She may have fallen asleep.
D、She misunderstood the speaker’s last points.

答案 C

解析 男士说最后一位演讲者演讲内容有些无聊(pretty boring),但是他最后说得有些话很有道理(make a few good points)。女士说,她并不知道,因为睡着了(dozed off)。故C为正确答案。