[originaltext]W: David, listen to this: "Mr. Gray Smith, 80 years old, is makin

游客2024-06-06  3

W: David, listen to this: "Mr. Gray Smith, 80 years old, is making his first attempt to parachute this Wednesday. Mr. Smith said he had been looking forward to the jump for a long time."
M: Yes. Good for him.
W: I don’t think it is a good idea for Mr. Smith.
M: Why not?
W: Because he is old. In my country, when a person is 80, he is supposed to stay at home and be taken care of
M: Really? I think Mr. Smith can do whatever he wants as long as he knows how to do it well and he is sure be is safe.
W: I agree with you there.

选项 A、He can take care of himself.
B、He can stay at home.
C、He can jump.
D、He can parachute.

答案 C
