[originaltext]W:I absolutely love what you’re wearing today.Seriously,it looks

游客2024-05-31  1

W:I absolutely love what you’re wearing today.Seriously,it looks really nice on you.Where did you buy it?
M:Thank you.I bought it from the Macy’s at the Santa Anita mall.
Q:What are the two speakers talking about?
M:Hi,Carol.I was just wondering if you would come by this afternoon and give me a hand with the decoration for next week’s party.
W:I’m sorry,Bill.I really can’t today.I have to go to the airport to meet my parents coming back from France.
Q:What will the man possibly do this afternoon?

选项 A、He will fly to France.
B、He will meet his parents at the airport.
C、He will prepare the decoration.
D、He will go to a party.

答案 C

解析 对话中,男士想请女士下午帮他准备下周party的装饰工作;女士说她没办法帮他,因为她得去机场接从法国归来的父母。故本题答案为C 。