[originaltext]M: Good evening, everybody. (22)Welcome to Stars. Today we have E

游客2024-05-31  3

M: Good evening, everybody. (22)Welcome to Stars. Today we have Emma Thompson here as our distinguished guest. Welcome, Emma.
W: Thank you, Edward.
M: What do you most admire in a person?
W: As for me, it is the ability to laugh in the face of disaster.
M: Is there anything that was once fun for you but now isn’t?
W: Diving. I loved it. Then I had to have an artificial nose made for me in the movie Nanny McPhee, and while I was inside the mask, I had a panic attack. And interestingly, the next time I went scuba diving, I couldn’t breathe through my nose.
M: Five years ago, you took in a former child soldier from Rwanda. (23) He’s now not only attending an English university but this year will become a British citizen. You must be excited.
W: Oh, we wept. We were in shock because we had not expected it. (24)He’s taking his citizenship exams, which has made us laugh because the questions they ask are so ridiculous.
M: Like what?
W: Things like "What’s the second title that the queen holds as the head of the Church of England?" Who knows that? I’ll bet even the queen’s forgotten.
M: Well, neither do I know it. Ha ha. So you’re turning 50 in April. Any plans?
W: (25) We’re shooting the second Nanny McPhee, which is a very good way of celebrating because those movies are such heaven to make. For the actual birthday, we’re going to Scotland and we’re going to make a really stupid film with our friends that I can show to everyone on my birthday, I’m going to celebrate it for a year.

选项 A、She will be making Nanny McPhee Ⅲ.
B、She will celebrate it for a whole year.
C、She will go to England.
D、She will write a song for herself.

答案 B

解析 对话中Emma提到自己如何庆祝她的50岁生日时说,自己会拍the second Nanny McPhee,还会去苏格兰旅游,并且计划庆祝一整年。故本题答案为B 。