[originaltext]W: Why are you leaving so early? The drama doesn’t start until 7:

游客2024-06-07  3

W: Why are you leaving so early? The drama doesn’t start until 7: 30.
M: I want to beat the traffic there. It’s a nightmare on the highway during rush hour.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Professor Louis seems to think there’s only one way 1o write a paper, and that’s her way!
M: No kidding? She sure wasn’t like that last semester.
Q: What can be inferred about Professor Louis?

选项 A、She grades papers very quickly.
B、She isn’t teaching this semester.
C、She didn’t require any papers last semester.
D、She was more flexible last semester.

答案 D

解析 这题属于“询问对话主题”题,需从两人对话判断出Professor Louis 是什么样的人。女的说Professor Louis 认为只有一种写文章的方法,男的说“这不是开玩笑吧(no kidding)”,她和上学期不一样了,也就是说上学期Professor Louis 比较灵活(flexible)。