[originaltext]M: Out of all the movies that I’ve seen, I think If You Are the O

游客2024-05-30  5

M: Out of all the movies that I’ve seen, I think If You Are the One is the funniest one. I couldn’t keep from laughing throughout the whole movie.
W: That’s exactly how I felt. I was laughing the whole time, and my stomach muscles hurt afterwards.
Q: What are they talking about?
M:I was looking at my test score and think that it should be higher.I think an answer got marked wrong that should have been marked right.
W:These things can happen;let’s double-check the answers first to be sure,all right?
Q:What are they going to do?

选项 A、They will have an exam.
B、They will double-check the answers.
C、They will correct the test score immediately.
D、They will mark the wrong answer.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士说他看过自己的分数,觉得应该会高一点,因为有个地方可能判错了;女士回答说那我们一起检查一下答案确定谁对谁错。故本题答案为B 。