[originaltext]M:Katharine,have you turned the air-conditioning on? The room is

游客2024-05-30  6

M:Katharine,have you turned the air-conditioning on? The room is so hot.
W:Sorry,sir.It is reported that flu is threatening us right now.As a preventative measure,we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use the air conditioners.
Q:What can we learn from the conversation?
W:We’ll have to hurry if we’re going to be on time to get to the railway station.It’s already seven thirty.
M:Well,it takes only half an hour to get to the railway station,and the train doesn’t leave until eight fifteen.I think we’ll make it if we leave immediately.
Q:How much time do they have once they arrive at the railway station?

选项 A、Three quarters of an hour.
B、A quarter of an hour.
C、Ten minutes.
D、Half an hour.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士说现在已经七点半了,他们得抓紧时间赶去火车站。男士说他们只需要半个小时就可以到达火车站,而且火车八点十五才开,如果他们马上动身的话,一定可以赶上。故本题答案为B。