[originaltext]W: OK. Mr. Taylor, let’s go ahead and begin. First of all. tell m

游客2024-06-03  2

W: OK. Mr. Taylor, let’s go ahead and begin. First of all. tell me about your last job.
M: Well. as stated on my resume, I worked for five years at Hi Tech Computers.
W: OK. Hi Tech. And What do you know about computer networks and operating systems including DOS, Windows. Macintosh OS. and UNIX?
M: Umm...well...I did come in contact with computers every night at my last job.
W: Hum...And how about web site authoring skills? We are looking for someone to create and manage our company’s web site which would include the development, configuration, and use of DOS, Windows, Macintosh OS. and CGI scripts.
M: Umm...uh, web page, web page. Huh...I don’t think I’ve read that book, and I’m afraid I’ve never used those CGI things.
W: Huh?! And what about experience with Java or JavaScript?
M: Well...I think I’ve tried Java at a foreign coffee shop one time, if that’s what you mean.
W: OK. Mr. Taylor. I think I have all the information I need!
M: Oh, and I really like computer games. I play them every day.
W: Right, right, Thanks Mr. Taylor.
M: Believe me. I have confidence in myself.
W: I see. We’ll be in much.

选项 A、Computer sales negotiations.
B、A preliminary interview.
C、An Internet seminar meeting.
D、Computer games.

答案 B

解析 综合推断题。女士一开始就让男士介绍自己之前的工作,接着还说明他们在找能创建并管理公司网站的人,再结合男士的回答可知,这是一段面试对话,故选B。