[originaltext]M: You didn’t seem to be able to sit still for class. Are you exp

游客2024-05-30  3

M: You didn’t seem to be able to sit still for class. Are you expecting something?
W: Yes. I’m expecting a call to see if I was accepted for the position at Cole’s. I could do with the cash.
Q: What docs the woman mean?
M: I can’t touch anything sweet. It’s my teeth.
W: Speaking of your teeth, why don’t you see a dentist? If I were you, I’d do something about it right away. I suggest you visit the college’s dentist first.
Q: What is the woman’s advice to the man?

选项 A、See the campus dentist first.
B、Touch something less sweet.
C、Have a sound sleep right away.
D、Not touch anything sweet.

答案 A

解析 行为活动题。对话中男士说不能碰任何甜食,因为他的牙齿坏了,女士建议他去校医院的牙医那儿看看,A与此相符。