[originaltext]W: I saw Kevin walk to school this morning. It was quite unusual,

游客2024-05-29  1

W: I saw Kevin walk to school this morning. It was quite unusual, don’t you think so?
M: Oh, you still don’t know.  After Kevin’s latest misadventure behind the wheel, his parents had taken away his ear.
Q: Why did Kevin walk to school this morning?
M: Sara, aren’t you glad we decided to take a trip to the Himalayas instead of New York?
W: Yes, the peaceful atmosphere and fresh air will be good for my spiritual well-being.
Q: What can we conclude from the woman’s answer?

选项 A、She is reluctant to change their trip.
B、Himalayas is known for the peaceful atmosphere.
C、She thinks she will enjoy this trip.
D、Fresh air is the only thing she pursues.

答案 C

解析 对话中男士问女士会不会因去喜马拉雅山而不去纽约感到不高兴,女士回答她感到高兴,因为平静的气氛和新鲜的空气让她感到心灵的宁静。Aren’t you glad...的肯定回答是yes,I am.意思是“不,我很高兴”。由此推断出女士是同意改变计划的。故选C项。