[originaltext]W: Come to my house if you can be there before 11 o’clock, Mike.

游客2024-05-29  2

W: Come to my house if you can be there before 11 o’clock, Mike. Otherwise, I won’t be able to see you until tomorrow.
M: The library closes at 10 tonight, Susan, so you can expect me to come by right after that.
Q: What do we learn about the speakers?
M: Generally speaking, the program went very well. We can’t go into much detail in half an hour.
W: It would have been better if George hadn’t talked so much! But the audience came up with some great comments.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、A guest talked for too long.
B、The program was too short.
C、The audience was too noisy.
D、The host was inexperienced.

答案 A

解析 女士说,如果George少说点就更好了。说明George说话时间太长,故答案为A。