Right now £4 million has been spent targeting Britain’s party drinkers. A har

游客2024-05-29  2

问题    Right now £4 million has been spent targeting Britain’s party drinkers. A hard-hitting 【B1】______  of adverts warns that excessive drinkers could risk horrifying 【B2】______  , and there could be health warnings on bottles of wine, or spirits. This is the government’s first national alcohol 【B3】______  movement. An actor in a reporter 【B4】______  provides the drama, the Hollywood entertainer man then 【B5】______  the shock factor. Despite the inevitable thought, the punch line is surprisingly 【B6】______  .
   "Drink, have a good time! But know your limits!" The 【B7】______  audiences, consumers arc in the 18 to 24 age range. This is what the young people themselves are saying, this is what would make a difference to the behavior of people when they’ve had too much to drink. Don’t think you’re 【B8】______  , know your limits. Don’t pretend to be brave. What about this then? 【B9】______  . But the drinks industry wouldn’t accept hard-hitting messages like this. We are more likely to see slogans asking us to behave sensibly.
   Still, 【B10】______  . Using worldwide scientific research, the report gives a score of ZERO with regard to effectiveness. But it goes on to say that these techniques do have a surprising consequence since media approaches are important to gain public support for policy changes. So the researchers say the ads may not convince us to drink less, 【B11】______  like stricter drink-driving laws, higher taxes on alcohol, or restrictions on the sale of alcohol.
Right now £4 million has been spent targeting Britain’s party drinkers. A hard-hitting campaign of adverts warns that excessive drinkers could risk horrifying consequences, and there could be health warnings on bottles of wine, or spirits. This is the government’s first national alcohol awareness movement. An actor in a reporter costume provides the drama, the Hollywood entertainer man then delivers the shock factor. Despite the inevitable thought, the punch line is surprisingly permissive.
     "Drink, have a good time! But know your limits!" The intended audiences, consumers arc in the 18 to 24 age range. This is what the young people themselves are saying, this is what would make a difference to the behavior of people when they’ve had too much to drink. Don’t think you’re unbeatable, know your limits. Don’t pretend to be brave. What about this then? The Department of Health told us they are about 6 months away from putting health warnings on individual cans and bottles. But the drinks industry wouldn’t accept hard-hitting messages like this. We are more likely to see slogans asking us to behave sensibly.
    Still, major research conducted this summer produced a highly skeptical overview of strategies like advertising and warning labels. Using worldwide scientific research, the report gives a score of ZERO with regard to effectiveness. But it goes on to say that these techniques do have a surprising consequence since media approaches are important to gain public support for policy changes. So the researchers say the ads may not convince us to drink less, but there is evidence that they soften it up for future government initiatives like stricter drink-driving laws, higher taxes on alcohol, or restrictions on the sale of alcohol.


答案 campaign

解析 语义推断题。根据上下文可知,为了警告过量饮酒的人,花在了——广告宣传上的费用是400万英镑。结合录音可知。填入campaign“大型活动”,符合句意。