[originaltext]W: I really appreciate your help.Without your direction.I may hav

游客2024-05-28  4

W: I really appreciate your help.Without your direction.I may have got lost in this community.It is so out of the way.
M: It was my pleasure to be of help in some way.Good day.madam.
Q: What did the man do?
M: You call Henry a dreamer,but I think he’s got a lot of good ideas.
W: Good ideas are only useful if you make something out of them.
Q: What does the woman think about Henry?

选项 A、He has too many dreams.
B、He just likes to sleep.
C、He doesn’t put his ideas into practice.
D、He doesn’t have many good ideas.

答案 C

解析  女士说,好想法只有产生成效才有用,即空想没有意义,所以她认为Henry是个空想家。C正确。