[originaltext]M:I’ve never tasted such tasty soup.I wish I had the recipe and I

游客2024-05-28  3

M:I’ve never tasted such tasty soup.I wish I had the recipe and I’d love to be able to make it myself.
W:It’s easy to make it as long as you get all ingredients in supermarket here. Let me get a pencil and paper.
Q:What will the woman probably do next?
W:I’m going to attend an interim meeting but chances are that my hands are full. Could you give me a hand?
M:It happens that I have some work of my own to hand in,but I guess I can take some time. Just let me know what I’m supposed to do.
Q:What does the man mean?

选项 A、He will be too busy to help the woman.
B、He is not sure whether he can help the woman.
C、He is supposed to know what he should do.
D、He will help the woman.

答案 D

解析 综合理解题[考频:15] 。当女士向男士寻求帮助的时候,男士说碰巧有工作没有完成。但接着but语气一转,表示虽然很忙,还是可以抽出时间,并让女士告知具体怎么帮。由此可见男士应该会女士的忙,由此可见答案为D)。