[originaltext]W: I really appreciate your help.Without your direction.I may hav

游客2024-05-28  3

W: I really appreciate your help.Without your direction.I may have got lost in this community.It is so out of the way.
M: It was my pleasure to be of help in some way.Good day.madam.
Q: What did the man do?
M: Now,I’m going to start off by asking you a difficult question.Why would you like to get this post?
W: Well,first of a11 I know that your firm has a very good reputation.Then I’ve heard you offer good opportunities for promotion for the fight person.
Q: What do we know from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman is being interviewed by a reporter.
B、The woman is applying for a job.
C、The woman is asking tor a promotion.
D、The woman is being given an examination.

答案 B

解析  男士问女士为什么想得到这个职位,女士说对方公司声望高、有提升的机会等,说明她在找工作,而非要求提升。所以B正确。