[originaltext]M:You should drink 8 glasses of water per day.It would do you muc

游客2024-05-28  1

M:You should drink 8 glasses of water per day.It would do you much good. You still have 2 glasses left today.
W:You are right,but it is already 8 p.m. I’m afraid I’m not supposed to drink much water.Maybe half the task.
Q:What will the woman probably do?
M:I’m sorry but now there is no table available in non-smoking section.But I can arrange you a table in other sections.
W:Thank you.but I’m very sensitive to smoking,so for the sake of my health,I think I’d rather wait.
Q:What can we infer about the woman?

选项 A、She is in no hurry.
B、She can afford more money.
C、She is expecting somebody else.
D、She is health-conscious.

答案 D

解析 综合理解题。男士说非吸烟区没有餐位了,但可以安排女士到别的地方。由此可知男士安排的应该是吸烟区。女士明确说为了健康着想,她宁愿等也不愿意到吸烟区。由此可知,这位女士很在乎健康。