[originaltext]M: I think you’d better find another person to be your badminton

游客2024-05-23  2

M: I think you’d better find another person to be your badminton partner. I love the game, but I just don’t think I am improving.
W: Look, Jack, it’s still too early to give up. I don’t expect you to be a superstar. Just keep practicing and you surely can see the result.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
W: You went to the big second-hand book sale in town yesterday, didn’t you? Was there much of a selection to get excited over?
M: Was there? I wish I had brought enough cash with me,
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、The books were too expensive to buy.
B、He bought a lot of books over there.
C、There were many people at the book sale.
D、There were a good variety of books.

答案 D

解析 ①女士问男士那间大型二手书书店是否有很多不错的选择,男士说真希望自己带了足够的现金,言下之意就是很多书都很吸引人,故选D。②虚拟语气常是考点。A为强干扰项,男士说自己没有带够钱,但没有说书价昂贵。