[originaltext]W: Jane is so obsessed with celebrities. She spends hours on the

游客2024-05-21  4

W: Jane is so obsessed with celebrities. She spends hours on the Internet trying to find out what their favorite nail polish colour is.
M: Psychologists say people who believe in a fair world are more likely to worship celebrities.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?

选项 A、Celebrity worship.
B、Obsession with psychology.
C、A world of justice.
D、Favorite nail polish colour.

答案 A

解析 综合理解题。女士说Jane崇拜明星,她用几个小时的时间上网查明星最喜欢的指甲油是什么颜色;男士解释说,心理学家认为,相信世界公平的人更有可能崇拜明星。因此两人讨论的话题是对明星的崇拜。