[originaltext]W: Can I help you?M: Yes. I’m looking for a book in the library.

游客2024-05-21  4

W: Can I help you?
M: Yes. I’m looking for a book in the library. But I am a bit confused. (19) We are supposed to read a chapter in the book called Philosophy in the Modern Age by our philosophy professor. But I haven’t been able to find it.
W: Prof. White’s class? Actually, you are not the first person coming in asking for the book.
M: Yes, uh.. .Oh, here it is, my booklist. W; Let me see. Oh yes. (20) Your professor has removed this book to a special place named reserve room. So you need to go to the reserve room. It’s on the third floor and to the left.
M: I’m sorry. I still don’t understand what you mean. Why is the book removed to other places?
W: You see, it’s been checked out last week. Your professor wants everyone in the class to read the chapter. If one student lends the book from the library, it is likely that the rest of students won’t have the chance to read it.
M: So, will I be able to get access to this book?
W: Yes. (21)Because the book is on reserve, you can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for it. You can read the book for a few hours in the reserve room. M:OK. Thank you.
19. Why does the man feel confused?
20. Where is the book the man wanted now?
21. How will the man get access to the book?

选项 A、He can’t remember the name of the book he wants.
B、He can’t understand the philosophy book.
C、He loses his way in the library.
D、He can’t find the book he wants on bookshelves.

答案 D

解析 目的原因题。对话中男士提到哲学课要求读《现代哲学》中的一个章节,但令他疑惑的是,他在图书馆里找不到这本书。由此可知,男士感到疑惑的原因在于他不能从书架上找到想要的书。