For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Tuitio

游客2024-05-20  3

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Tuition Based on Per Credit-hour Basis. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below.
                    Tuition Based on Per Credit-hour Basis


答案                     Tuition Based on Per Credit-hour Basis
    (1) Nowadays, some universities in China begin to charge tuition fees in accordance with the number of credit hours taken each semester. (2) It means that the whole tuition fee is divided into costs of each course, and that the amount of tuition fee one has to pay is based on the total credit hours he has taken.
    (3) The advantages of credit tuition are obvious. (4) Firstly, as students are free, to some degree, to choose the courses they are going to take, the passive learning pattern is gradually changed into an active one. (4) Secondly, it stimulates students to study hard, because of the fact that an "F" now means extra money to make it up. (4) Last but not least, teaching quality can be raised, as teachers are striving to make their classes lively and interesting to attract students.
    (5) In my view, this new charging system should be popularized. (6) For one thing, it is more humanized than the traditional charging system. (6) For another, as it is very popular in Western countries, adopting this new charging system is a symbol of internationalization of education in China.

解析 (1)开篇点明有些大学开始根据学分收取学费这一现象