If you are anything like me, you left the theater after Sex and the City 2 a
If you are anything like me, you left the theater after Sex and the City 2 a
If you are anything like me, you left the theater after Sex and the City 2 and thought, there ought to be a law against a looks-based culture in which the only way for 40-year-old actresses to be compensated like 40-year-old actors is to have them look and dress like the teenage daughters of 40-year-old actors.
Meet Deborah Rhode, a Stanford law professor who proposes a legal system in which Discrimination on the basis of looks is as serious as discrimination based on gender or race. In a provocative new book, The Beauty Bias, Rhode lays out the case for an America in which appearance discrimination is no longer allowed. Rhode is at her most persuasive when arguing that in America, Discrimination against unattractive women and short men is as widespread as bias based on race, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, and disability. In a research college students tell surveyors they’d rather have a spouse who is a drug user,or a shoplifter than one who is fat. The less attractive you are in America,the more likely you are to receive a longer prison sentence, a lower damage award, a lower salary, and poorer performance reviews. You are less likely to be married and more likely to be poor. And all of this is compounded by a virtually unregulated beauty and diet industry and soaring rates of elective cosmetic surgery. Rhode reminds us how Hillary Clinton and Sonia Sotomayor were criticized by the media for their looks, and says it’s no surprise that Sarah Palin paid her makeup artist more than any member of her staff in her run for the vice presidency.
Of course the problem with making appearance discrimination illegal is that Americans just really, really like hot girls. It’s not just American men who like things this way. In the most troubling chapter in her book,Rhode explores the feminist movement’s complicated relationship to eternal youth. The truth is that women feel good about competing in beauty processions. They love six-inch heels. They feel beautiful after cosmetic surgery. You can’t succeed in public life if you look old in America. Of the 16 women in the U. S. Senate between ages 46 and 74, not one has gray hair. To put it another way, appearance bias is a massive societal problem with definite economic costs that most of us—perhaps especially women—continue each time we buy a diet pill or sneer at Elena Kagan for not dressing like Miley Cyrus. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work toward eradicating discrimination based on appearance. But it may mean recognizing that the law won’t stop us from discriminating against the overweight, the aging,and the imperfect,so long as it’s the quality we all hate most in ourselves. [br] According to the author,the discrimination on looks are worsened by______.
A、the TV shows which advocate special affection for beauty
B、the beauty and diet industry and elective cosmetic surgery
C、the media which criticizes famous people for their looks
D、the people who pay high wages to their makeup artists
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