[originaltext]W: Hi, Tom. Have you been playing much basketball lately?M: I pl

游客2024-05-16  5

W: Hi, Tom. Have you been playing much basketball lately?
M: I play as often as I can get out of the classroom. And the game is my way to be somebody. It’s my life, you know?
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
M: That’s a great dress, Cindy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear it before.
W: Oh, I have. It’s just that it’s sent back to my closet. My sister gave it to me like ages ago and I totally forgot about it.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She hasn’t worn the dress for a long time.
B、She doesn’t like the dress very much.
C、She intends to give the dress to her sister.
D、She doesn’t remember where she bought the dress.

答案 A

解析 弦外之音题。男士说女士的衣服很好看,他没有看见女士穿过;女士说她以前穿过这件衣服,只是被她放在衣橱里了,衣服是很久前她妹妹给她的,几乎忘了穿。言外之意,女士很长时间没有穿过这件衣服了。