When Andrew Chadwick-Jones, a management consultant with Oliver Wyman in Lo

游客2024-05-14  6

问题      When Andrew Chadwick-Jones, a management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London, went to a private-equity(私募股权) firm late last year, he expected the usual: about 20 minutes and an unfriendly attitude. He was surprised to find the private-equity people instead explaining their strategy, offering introductions to senior staff and being more open and friendly. "Now that money and deals are lack, they’ve got to be nicer to all the people they interact with, and they might help bring business in future," he says.
     Rudeness is out, and politeness is the new rule in an uncertain world. The former kings of rude behavior -- Masters of the Universe bankers, private-equity chiefs -- have been humbled. On Wall Street, says a hanker, "it’s now all about charm and openness and taking time with people." Proud young things straight out of the best business schools have stopped letting interview appointments pass, and there is much less looking over people’s shoulders at drinks parties, reports one veteran (经验丰富的人). Many people, fearful for their jobs, are trying to smooth their contacts at other firms.
     The change in tone also reflects changes in the balance of power between companies. Before the crisis, says Michel Péreité, head of investment banking at Soeeit6 G6n6rale in Paris, he would go and see a senior chief executive with a mergers-and-acquisitions (并购)idea, get in for a short while and, on the way out, walk past a line of all his competitors. Now, he says, "You’re lead in, you get an hour with the CEO and he walks you to your car. "As the representative of a bank with money to lend, Mr. P6reti6 is now the chief executive’s potential savior. "During this crisis, when there is so much uncertainty about who will end up having power, the best strategy is to be polite to everyone," says Adam Galinsky of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
     People have more time to be friendly when business is slow. Some reckon the new sincerity reflects a feeling that everyone is in the same boat: when some firms have to fire good performers as well as bad, no one is safe. But if people at different firms are being nicer to each other, things may not be getting any nicer inside companies. At many, stress and in-fighting are on the rise because of the threat of job cuts. And as soon as things turn up again, all agree, the extra niceness will disappear.  [br] The main idea of the passage is that ______.

选项 A、economic crisis prompts an outbreak of politeness in business
B、private-equity firm’s attitude has changed a lot
C、relationship between firms has been tightened
D、politeness is the only way to survive now

答案 A

解析 主旨题。作者首先通过.Andrew Chadwick Jones的例子告诉我们私募公司态度友好了;接着用定位句引出了中心——礼貌是瞬息万变世界的新规则,并用例子做了证明;然后通过Michel Peretie的经历作者剖析了其中的原因并指出以后的动态,可知本文主题是:经济危机条件下,人们变得礼貌了,A符合题意。