To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf
To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf
To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf’s assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change.
Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a human creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter. For a bird looking for an object on which to rest, a spear of robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle (挑战者号航天飞机) and the Russian nuclear accident at Chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology; they provide cases in which well-planned systems suddenly went haywire (变得混乱) and there was no ready hand to set them right. Since technology is a human creation, we are responsible for what is done with it. Pessimists worry that we will use our technology eventually to blow our world and ourselves to pieces. But they have been saying this for decades, and so far we have managed to survive and even flourish. Whether we will continue to do so in the years ahead remains uncertain. Clearly, the impact of technology on our lives deserves a closer examination.
Few technological developments have had a greater impact on our lives than the computer revolution. Scientists and engineers have designed specialized machines that can do the tasks that once only people could do. there are those who assert that the switch to an information-based economy is in the same camp as other great historical milestones, particularly the Industrial Revolution. Yet when we ask why the Industrial Revolution was a revolution, we find that it was not the machines. The primary reason why it was a revolutionary is that it led to great social change. It gave rise to mass production and, through mass production, to a society in which wealth was not con fined to the few.
In somewhat similar fashion, computers promise to revolutionize the structure of American life, particularly as they free the human mind and open new possibilities in knowledge and communication. The Industrial Revolution supplemented and replaced the muscles of humans and animals by mechanical methods. The computer extends this development to supplement and replace some aspects of the mind of human beings by electronic methods. It is the capacity of the computer for solving problems and making decisions that represents its greatest potential and that poses the greatest difficulties in predicting the impact on society. [br] The passage is based on the author’s______.
A、keen insight into the nature of technology
B、prejudiced criticism of the role of the Industrial Revolution
C、cautious analysis of the replacement of the human mind by computers
D、exaggerated description of the negative consequences of technology
人们手中持有的纸币体现持有人对中央银行的()。A:负债 B:债权 C:债务
造成人口机械增长的因素是( )。A.人口构成 B.人口死亡 C.人口出生
我国刑法中的主犯不包括()。 A.组织犯罪集团进行犯罪活动的 B.领导犯罪
味连的特征是A.为三角叶黄连的根茎 B.多分枝集聚成簇状 C.多单枝 D.
(2017年真题)甲状腺功能亢进症的临床表现包括( )A.声音嘶哑、毛发稀疏、