[originaltext]M: Hills, are you going to Jack’s party tonight? Maybe I can give

游客2024-05-13  8

M: Hills, are you going to Jack’s party tonight? Maybe I can give you a ride.
W: Thanks, Tom. I’d like to go for a change, but I have my history exam tomorrow morning.
Q: What will the woman probably do tonight?

选项 A、Go to the parties.
B、Go for a ride with the man.
C、Study for her exam.
D、Change her clothes.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题 。对话中女士说I’d like to go,即很想去Jack的派对,但是明天上午历史考试(but I have my history exam tomorrow morning),转折标志but后为重点内容。因此可知女士今天晚上可能会为考试做准备(Study for her exam)。故答案为C 。